MacBook 触摸板 出轨了

2016-07-01 22:22:53 +08:00

RMBP 触摸板间歇性失灵,隔一会就失灵个几秒钟 然后又好用,有遇到过的么,求解决方案

AppleUSBMultitouchDebug: ReportID is invalid in AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::_deviceGetReportWithLookUp
AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::_deviceSetReport - DeviceRequest for reportID 0xac returned with result 0xe000404f - retrying
AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::_deviceSetReport - DeviceRequest returned error 0xe000404f (interface 1, reportID 0xac, payload 2 
AppleUSBMultitouchDebug: _deviceSetReport returned an error in configureDataMode
USBF:    6027.822    IOUSBHIDDriver(AppleUSBMultitouchDriver)::RearmInterruptRead  returning error 0xe00002d8 (device is not ready), not issuing any reads to device
USBF:    6027.828    IOUSBHIDDriver(AppleUSBTCButtons)::RearmInterruptRead  returning error 0xe00002d8 (device is not ready), not issuing any reads to device
AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 4: device resetting
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