Online 出了一个 c14 貌似超便宜 During July and August, C14 is totally free.

2016-07-06 10:25:44 +08:00
bbc12000  bbc12000
We are very pleased to announce the public launch of C14, the data archiving & long-term backup solution to archive all your critical contents.

C14 offers a simple and predictable pricing, €0.002 per GB / month. It's designed for data that are infrequently accessed and comes with an extremely fast archives retrieval time, only a few hours.
It ’ s the ideal solution to archive your backups, videos, photos, logs, documents, disaster recovery plans, financial and healthcare records.

In a nutshell, everything you care about is safe for decades!

C14 doesn't require any advanced technical skill, it's based on industry standards and lets you upload up to 40TB per archive using your preferred secure protocols: FTP, SFTP, Rsync or SCP.

During July and August, C14 is totally free. Try it!
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4 条回复
2016-07-06 10:26:37 +08:00
2016-07-06 10:35:01 +08:00
不要误导别人 有附加收费 不便宜
我存了 3T 不到的数据
按 3000G 计算
存储每个月那个小头, 他会给你的数据库每周压缩存档
你要解压 按每 G 的操作收费
你要删除 按每 G 的操作收费

我 3 个 T 的数据
现在删了 之前不记得 应该是 40 多欧元的删除费
存储 压缩 解压 都不计在内
一个 8T 的存储服务器才 40 欧一个月而已
还随时可读取数据 不需要解压操作

这个适合存储死数据 做备份用途
FTP 和各种连接 max connection = 2 的限制
2016-07-06 10:40:59 +08:00

以 3000G 计算
存储每月 6 欧元
最晚每 7 天压缩存档一次
按这个计费 4x7 天 = 24 欧元 /月

解压一次 删除一次 operation 2 次
=30+60 欧元
96 欧元 /月

2017-03-08 12:28:18 +08:00
@notgod 现在有新的存储类型 Intensive ,没有操作费用。

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