多次失败后真诚求内推-FLAG, Twitter, Uber,Apple, Yahoo 等

2016-07-11 00:27:44 +08:00
我曾经在 mitbbs ,一亩三分地, LinkedInTwitter 搜索内推信息,虽然很多人贴上自己邮箱说可以内推,但是发了 50 个人,基本没有人回复。我也试过向其他公司直接 online 申请,几个被拒,大多数没有回复。
现在我只想到 V2EX 了(⊙o⊙) 请问有朋友可以提供北美公司的内推吗?我经过考虑,还是想去体验下外面的公司。日本,德国这些都在考虑中

我是国内大三下 new grad ,现在重复刷了 100 道 leetcode 的题目以及其他 100 道 ACM 题目。
我的中文简历是: http://av.jejeso.com/yonghao2.pdf
英文简历是: http://av.jejeso.com/YongHao%20Hu-Resume.pdf
Student of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, major in Computer Science.

Experienced in C, C++ and PHP, familiar with Python.

Contributor of WineHQ, had sent more than 50 patches about VC++ runtime(msvcr/msvcp). Some of them are the implementation of tr2::Filesystem Library, tests of tr2::Threads and implementation of complex istream and ostream::operator. See http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/?a=search&h=HEAD&st=author&s=YongHao+Hu&sr=1

Accepted by Google Summer Of Code 2015, project is implementing Filesystem functions from tr2 namespace on Wine.

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2016-10-31 02:29:49 +08:00
@hadoop 我已上班两年

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