2016-08-07 18:18:56 +08:00
我会告诉你, app 都自动装吗?!
``` ruby
desc "install homebrew cask."
task :install_homebrew_cask do
if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin") then
puts "install homebrew cask and netalpha apps"
run %{brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask}
apps_researcher = ['papers']
apps_programmer = ['sourcetree', 'github', 'snippet-edit','snippets', 'vagrant', 'virtualbox', 'kaleidoscope', 'dash']
apps_ide = ['rubymine', 'pycharm-ce', 'rstudio', 'texpad']
apps_social = ['qq', 'skype']
apps_tools = ['breeze', 'cleanmymac', 'knock', 'alfred', 'seil', 'Karabiner', 'iterm2', 'flash', 'splayerx', 'istat-menus', 'xtrafinder', 'snagit', 'devonthink-pro', '1password', 'betterzip', 'launchrocket', 'dropzone', 'bartender', 'keyboard-maestro']
apps_cloudstorage = ['dropbox']
apps_browser = ['google-chrome', 'firefox']
apps_editor = ['qlcolorcode', 'qlmarkdown', 'qlprettypatch', 'qlstephen', 'quicklook-json', 'sublime-text', 'atom', 'textexpander', 'marked', 'vimr']
apps_audio_video = ['screenflick']
apps_teamwork = ['slack']
apps_download = ['transmission', 'thunder']
apps_bookmark = ['shiori']
apps_music = ['qqmusic', 'neteasemusic', 'boom']
apps_notebook = ['evernote', 'gitbook', 'nvalt', 'sketch']
apps_finance = ['ynab']
apps_db = ['sequel-pro']
apps_omnifamily = ['omniplan', 'omnifocus', 'omnigraffle', 'omnioutliner']
brewcask_apps = apps_researcher | apps_programmer | apps_ide | apps_social | apps_tools | apps_cloudstorage | apps_browser | apps_editor | apps_audio_video | apps_teamwork | apps_download | apps_bookmark | apps_music | apps_notebook | apps_finance | apps_db | apps_omnifamily
brewcask_apps.each do |app|
run %{brew cask install #{app}}
run %{brew cask alfred link}
puts "============================================="
puts "[Warning] Please install manually the belows!"
puts "============================================="
puts "[Bought From App Store(UK)]: ReadKit, Airmail, Downcast, Breeze, MultiMarkdown Composer, MWeb, Quiver"
puts "[Bought From App Store(CN)]: DayOne, Popclip"
puts "[Free Apps]: Easyreciter, Parcel, OneNote, Pocket, iDown"
puts "[From Web]: Yunku, R, PDF Converter Master, Novamind 5, CleanMyPhone, DevonAgent Pro, Stremio"