7sDream @
cszhiyue @
Xuanwo @
we000 @
xmoiduts @
Seita @
wizardoz @
chocotan > Hi Haoxun Zhan,
> Thanks for your question! We've reviewed your project and, in addition to uploading files, it appears to assist in generating rawgit URLs. Is that correct?
> If that's the case, your project doesn't appear to violate GitHub's Terms of Service, though you may want to check in with the owner of rawgit if you haven't already done so.
> Of course, any individual who decided to use your code would be responsible for making sure their usage and content didn't violate our Terms.
> Please let me know if you have any other questions.
> Best,
> Elizabeth
不好啦, 皇上...皇上他造反啦