#Download free ebooks form O'Reilly
Inspired by James Pan, I wrote a piece of Python code to gather all the links of these free ebooks by O'Reilly. The code is Here. It is writen with Python3 and pandas, that means you need to install them. You can modified the format from mobi to pdf or epub, in case no version of mobi provided.
受到潘家邦的启发,我写了一小段 Python 代码,用来获取所有 O'Reilly 提供的免费电子书的下载链接。代码在这里。我用 Python3 和 pandas 写的,所以你得安装这两个。另外部分书籍的 mobi 格式下载不了则可能是官方没有提供,你可以修改代码,把 mobi 改成 pdf 或者 epub 试试。
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.