最近开发了一个关于 AR 的 APP,但苹果总是拒绝,感觉自己未能理解到位,求解读

2016-08-15 10:35:03 +08:00
尤其对“ Please provide a means to access the augmented reality features from within the app ”里的“ means ”理解不全。


Business - 3.1.4

We continue to find your app enables additional features or functionality when used with augmented reality markers. However, those features are not available in the app to users without the necessary markers.

Next Steps

Please provide a means to access the augmented reality features from within the app, such as through achievements or In-App Purchase. If they can be freely obtained, such as through a link to a website, please revise your app to include clear instructions for obtaining the necessary markers.

Please note that apps cannot require users to purchase unrelated products or engage in advertising or marketing activities to unlock app functionality.
4074 次点击
所在节点    iDev
6 条回复
2016-08-15 10:48:14 +08:00
他找不到你的 AR marker 的获得渠道,是免费提供,还是内购,总之你要给他说明,用户怎么获得你的 marker
2016-08-15 10:55:54 +08:00
means ≈ method

你需要在 app 里说明用户怎样才能获得你的 marker 。
或者把操作过程录个视频传到 youtube 再把链接发给他。
2016-08-15 10:57:38 +08:00
1L 说的差不多。

你的 APP 有额外的功能,但这些功能需要「 used with augmented reality markers 」,但你没有在 App 内告知,如何获取这个 Marker 。
2016-08-15 12:49:39 +08:00
什么是 AR marker 呀~
2016-08-15 17:33:31 +08:00
你的 app 是不是需要硬件配合?是的话弄个购买链接或者啥的。不然你自己不觉得让其他人一头雾水吗?
2016-08-16 09:17:37 +08:00
lz 英语水平堪忧

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