DigitalOcean 从 10 月 1 日起将对快照收费

2016-08-17 23:00:31 +08:00
363 次点击
所在节点    VPS
2 条回复
2016-08-18 16:22:00 +08:00
我 Snapshot 的大小和我在命令行 df -H 的大小显示不同,网页上的 14.54 GB 实际 Used 只有 9.9G
2016-08-18 18:00:26 +08:00
提了个 ticket 客服说不一致是技术问题 会解决的。。

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out!

Sorry for the confusion here. At this time the snapshot size reported in your control panel may not be completely accurate. We currently have our engineers working to resolve this to ensure that these sizes are reflected properly and this should be fixed soon.

Please note that beginning next month we will be charging for existing snapshots, however these charges would not be based on the size reported in your control panel, but rather the correct size of the snapshot itself.

If you have any further questions or concerns, just let us know.

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