前段时间出于兴趣做了 steam 上一款游戏 stardew valley 的 android 移植,虽然没完全优化好,但上传了一部分试玩视频到 youtube ,然后在 reddit 上发帖,本想免费提供下载(下载时会经过 steam 授权,验证只有拥有游戏的人才能下载),但一些玩家反映无论什么情况都不能发布二进制包。现在虽然我没有提供下载,但是还是收到了游戏出版商的邮件,
We saw this video online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSXf310YqPc
Although it's nice to see, please note that use of Stardew Valley is an infringement of intellectual property law. I would like to ask you to remove both videos and confirm that you will make no infringe the rights in Stardew Valley any further. We reserve all our rights in this matter.
Thank you ,
现在他们要求我删掉 youtube 视频。版权方面不懂,所以我想问下大家,这段视频是不是违背了他们所说的知识产权呢?
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