期初我就是想找个能根据 model 生成 api 的库,找到了个叫 koa-mongo-rest 的,貌似很久没维护了,现在 koa-router 的版本低了,所以我照着他搞了一个。 如果你们需要的话。
mongoose rest generator for koa
Install using npm:
npm install koa-rest-mongoose
var koa = require('koa');
var router = require('koa-router')();
var koaRestMongoose = require('koa-rest-mongoose');
var mongoUrl = '';
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var schema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: String,
name: String,
password: String,
address: String,
zipcode: Number,
lists: Array
var model = mongoose.model('user', schema);
var app = koa();
koaRestMongoose(app, router, model, '/api');
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 5000);
Following REST API is now created for you:
| HTTP Verb | /users | /users/:id |
| ------------- | ------------- | --------------- |
| GET | Get all documents, or documents that match the query.
You can use [mongoose find conditions] ( http://mongoosejs.com/docs/queries.html), limit, skip and sort.
For example:
/api/users?conditions={"name":"john"}&limit=10&skip=1&sort=-zipcode | Get the addressed document. |
| POST | Create a new document and send it back. | Update the addressed document with specified attributes. |
| PUT | Create a new document and send it back. | Replace the addressed document. |
| DELETE | n/a | Delete the addressed document. |
| PATCH | n/a | Update the addressed document with specified attributes. |
npm test
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