我们是 Implus, 全球领先的国际化移动互联网广告投放公司。我们致力于建立自动化流量购买和媒介投放系统,帮助全球广告主高效地获取高质量有价值的全球用户。
IMPLUS 自主研发的智能广告系统能自动化地完成全球流量购买,并利用核心的流量匹配技术高效地将全球流量价值最大化。系统能有效识别用户的行为、设备、运营商、浏览器及其他更多属性,精准地为广告商提供最优的广告解决方案。
- 什么?你会 node.js, 也会 css,JavaScript, angular.js , react.js, vue.js ?请你一定要快来!!!
- 也来说说你用哪些框架搭过 web 服务器? express, koa, hapi ?我们希望你是搭在云上,比如阿里云,亚马逊, DigitalOcean, Heroku, Linode
- 还会一点 python? 我看好你哦!
- 代码要舒服,测试要到位(TDD 你造吗?),有线上部署经验加分哦
- 喜欢挑战和团队工作(放心,我们都很优秀),会尝试结对编程(结对,你懂的)
- 全程参与到项目中,从创意,需求到开发,交付
- 喜欢敏捷开发和迭代的模式,天下武功,唯快不破
- 代码写的漂亮(空格还是 tab, 分号结尾要不要,欢迎来辩),产品要做就做到极致
PS: 英语要好哦!因为我们是跨国团队,工作环境是英语
- 人手 Macbook Pro
- 五险一金,每月 200 块交通补贴,每月一天带薪病假,包午餐
- 包一定比例的健身房年费
- 赞助你参加技术会议
我们是移动互联网广告行业的先锋! 我们诚邀年轻而有梦想的你!和我们并肩作战!
招聘流程:简历初选 - 网上测试(过了测试机会就很大了) - 现场面试 - 终面 - OFFER
- In depth knowledge of node.js, JavaScript, html, CSS
- Working knowledge of web server administration
- Enjoy challenges and teamwork and even occasionally pair-programming
- Like being part of the entire process from the idea to deployment to scaling
- Great communication skills
- Enjoy being Agile and working in a Scrum environment
- Write beautiful code for a beautiful end product
- Good at English and Chinese Mandarin
Essential Duties
- Practice Agile/Scrum
- Craft conceptual ideas into polished products
- Work in different squads that are grouped for different projects
- Keep abreast of the existing technology stacks releases and updates in the Internal process team
- Develop pair programming schedule in the team to facilitate team development.
- Write beautiful codes and build awesome websites
- Create pixel perfect design for digital web application
- Execute all visual design stages from concept to final hand-off to engineering
- Work with cross functional team - creative, development and business from start to finish to make sure your design is fully developed and works without any problems
- Create wireframes, prototype and user flows
公司地址:广州市天河区花城大道 68 号环球都会大厦 1501
邮箱地址: michelle.huang@implustech.com