@asdwfwqd CM 自带 root 确实是最爽的事情之一,不过我觉得这个事要综合考虑,品牌手机为了保证绝对的安全性,不带 root 并加锁是正常的,而 CM 都已经是刷机了,又以玩家为主,自然带 Root 是最好的。我想如果 CM 出自主品牌手机的话,肯定也是不带 root 加锁的,不然类似于手机找回等功能都形同虚设。
2016-09-03 10:24:44 +08:00
2016-09-03 10:33:38 +08:00
@imwangpan ChainFire has already started that he has not worked on a 2.78 release (yet?). The PlayStore update is from the people who bought SuperSu - CCMT. There is no zip to flash newer than 2.77. If it's not in the OP of this beta thread, then there isn't a zip to flash.