React Native Course + 24 Hour Sale

2016-09-07 05:44:00 +08:00
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Hi Friends!

After over 500 hours of preparation, I'm excited to announce the React Native course will be launching tomorrow morning.

This is my most in depth course yet with 32 sections, seven hours of video, and over 9,000 words via 16 text sections.

To celebrate, for the next 24 hours only - the first 100 people who sign up for the React Native course or the React.js Program bundle will receive 20% off the React Native course or 31% off the bundle.

For more details on the 24 hours sale, visit

Tyler McGinnis

What people are saying about the program,
"Tyler has produced one of the best tutorials for any language or framework I've seen. There is finally a Laracasts for React!!!" - Vincent Abruzzo
"Reactjs program is the perfect combination of video tutorials, posts and quizzes to get you started with React!" - Gilles Castel

"Just sit through for first two lectures, You'll want to finish them all. That's the beauty of Tyler's lectures; One of the best teachers I've ever had - Highly recommend, worth the time and effort." - Prasanth Karri

"I just went through ~80% of the React Fundamentals course in 1 go. I'm gobsmacked, that's by far the best learning method I've seen." - Michael Hannson

"Incredible. This is the best resource I've seen not only for learning React but for anything technical." - Jaime Stubbs

"Loved every single aspect of the course: the video, the practical work, the explanations. Tyler has one thing that is quite difficult to find: he understands which of his knowledge is not obvious, and he explains that. That's particularly good for teaching to people like me who are coming from highly typed languages and some JavaScript things just didn't make sense (but now they do thanks to Tyler!). " - Felipe Lazo

"If React seems like Michelangelo's David waiting to be carved out of a cube of rock to you, then this course (and I'm sure the larger bundle as well) equips you with the knowledge and perseverance required to take on that challenge, and to take on your own Sistine Chapel of a React project sooner rather than later (or never)." - Robert Mion

"The best react tutorial on the Internet, by far! Very well structured, 100% accurate and adequately paced. Thank you!" - Miguel Laginha

"Tyler's React Fundamentals Program is by far the best comprehensive React tutorial resource I have found. I've been floundering for months following (mostly) outdated and overly-opinionated tutorials that only left me more confused. What I found in this tutorial series is that Tyler has the rare ability to explain complex software development topics at a novice learner level. He leaves no stone unturned and explains every little odd nuance or language quirk as he comes across them in his example code. Being able to learn quality coding techniques and best practices from an industry professional is invaluable, not only to my ReactJS journey but also in becoming a better Javascript developer overall. I can't wait to dive into the deeper topics in Tyler's later courses, and I finally feel like I have a strong foundation upon which to continue learning and mastering ReactJS. You won't find a better starting point tutorial for ReactJS anywhere (I've looked)." - Ian Moreno
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10 条回复
2016-09-07 05:59:22 +08:00
我两个月前如的 bundle ,终于终于把我带进了 reactjs 的世界
2016-09-07 08:37:02 +08:00
@catsky so, what's the point?
2016-09-07 08:56:16 +08:00
觉得这个 react 课程非常好,推荐给大家。作者是一个 google 程序员,采用文字,视频,问答方式教学,循序渐进,是我发现的最好的一个 react 课程。

课程很贵,要几百到,但是现在促销,单科 20% off , bundle 31% off
2016-09-07 09:14:14 +08:00
@catsky 全英文的? 这个听起来有压力
2016-09-07 09:18:22 +08:00
445.05 刀, 3000 RMB
2016-09-07 09:19:14 +08:00
还是更喜欢 ,但现在贵了很多,有愿意一起合买 pro 帐号的吗
2016-09-07 09:56:38 +08:00
@justudy  恩 全英文的
2016-09-07 10:12:56 +08:00
@catsky 有没有什么学习 javascript 的课程推荐?
2016-09-07 11:51:41 +08:00
@catsky @lijsh 两个都有意,听听合买的计划
2016-09-07 13:40:03 +08:00
@wzyefd 我已经入了 reactjs 的 bundle 了,看了好才推荐的 :)

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