[Synopsys 武汉社招] C/C++软件开发工程师

2016-09-09 10:45:21 +08:00

如果对我们的职位感兴趣,欢迎投递简历到 qyzhong@synopsys.com
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Software Engineer, Staff

福利: 18 天年假+年终奖+12%比例公积金+其他福利

We are looking for a strong software developer with several years of experience in multiple programming languages and proficiency in C/C++. You will be a senior developer that will develop static analysis algorithms for C, C++ and Java standards and should be proficient in C/C++ programming with the ability to communicate and work as a technical lead for other developers.

- Design and write well-designed/well-tested algorithms
- Engage with developers to find technical solutions for their programming problems
- Review source code and testing sufficiency for new code
- Help getting new developers up to speed

Qualifications: Must Have
- Master's in computer science or related fields
- Experience in C/C++ development (4+ years)
- Good understanding of the majority of language features of C and C++
- Experience in at least one of following languages: Java, C#, Objective-C, Ruby, Python, OCaml
- Ability to understand technical English documents
- Experience with development on UNIX or Windows

Qualifications: Nice to Have
- Good verbal English skills
- Experience with security
- Experience with static analysis tools

Personal Skills
- Team player
- Good verbal skills in Mandarin
- Strong problem solving skills
- Strong interest in learning and growing
- Driven personality/self-starter
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