Just like a router or switch device, also like a linux box, users can use the terminal to manage them, what should we have in a public cloud env in this period?
| command | description | | -- | -- | | ssh xxx@xxx | connect the cloud management interface | | show infrastrutures | list the Machine clusters that have its own vms and the firewall | | use infrastruture my1 | enter the context of the one infrastrues | | show vms | list the vms in the my1 | | show routers | list the router in the my1| | show firewall | list the firewall config that what port open or what port close in my1 | | create infrastrutures my2 | create a new cluster | | use my2 | enter the new infrastructures | | create new vm myvm2-1 | create a new vm | | create new vm myvm2-2 | create a new vm | | create new router my2-router | create a router |
在当今的云计算领域,貌似还没有一个统一的接口,去兼容,哪怕是把各家的 API 统一到一个程序里来,创建资源啥的还是需要去 WEB 页面,费时费力,如果有这么个玩意儿,把云计算的基础设施当成了一个基础操作系统,类似于 linux 管理 PC , cicmi 会来管理云计算资源。
有没有感兴趣的小伙伴,我没多少钱,但是如果有小伙搞出来第一版,大家继续维护,我愿意出 1000 大洋给 First Guy 。 7 年运维老兵的信誉做担保。
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