[北京]海外视频聊天交友产品 ChaCha 招聘 Android 高级前端工程师/前端(18k-28k)

2016-09-13 19:05:24 +08:00

ChaCha 是一款视频聊天交友的 App ,主打国际市场。在 ChaCha 上,你可以一键 facebook 登入,开始和全世界各国的人们配对,直接开始视频通话。

坐标中关村地区,我们的团队目前有十几号年轻、有活力、热爱事业、乐于生活的成员。当前,这个产品正在 Beta 迭代阶段。公司目前已经完成了天使轮的融资,有多位非常优秀的投资人共同参与投资。


如果你有兴趣了解更多关于 ChaCha Team 的详细信息,请毫不犹豫地把简历砸向我们。

About ChaCha: ChaCha is the way you video chat and interact with new friends around the world.

About The ChaCha Team: We are a team of under 20 people based in Beijing, China. We have a cat and her name is Laksa. Know more about what we are doing on our blog.

The ChaCha Mission: To empower everyone to build friendships globally without geographic and language barriers.

The ChaCha Vision: To enable everyone to meet with new friends around the world with video chat more easily and joyfully.

联系: hr 艾特 exutech.cn


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