哈哈有人听过 Meet the Flockers 吗

2016-09-23 15:24:34 +08:00
<amp-youtube data-videoid="TIuBpBalhmU" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270"></amp-youtube>


First, you find a house and scope it out
Find a Chinese neighborhood, cause they don't believe in bank accounts
Second, you find a crew and a driver, someone who ring the doorbell
And someone that ain't scared to do what it do
Third, you pull up at the spot
Park, watch, ring the doorbell and knock
Four, make sure nobody is home (knock knock)
They gone, okay it's on
Don't be scared nigga you in now
If the police come you gonna find out who your friends now
That ain't them talking, that's your mind playing tricks on you
You're conscious cause you know you got nines with two clips on you
But fuck that, motherfuck that plasma
And fuck that laptop, go and get that jewelry box
You tryna get paid? Go take that jewelry box to the Slauson
They'll give you cash back in the same day
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