tensorflow( CPU only) 支持 windows 了

2016-10-06 02:32:41 +08:00

虽然只是 CPU 版的。。


This PR contains an initial version of support for building TensorFlow
(CPU only) on Windows using CMake. It includes documentation for building
with CMake on Windows, platform-specific code for implementing core functions
on Windows, and CMake rules for building the C++ example trainer
program and a PIP package (Python 3.5 only). The CMake rules support building
TensorFlow with Visual Studio 2015.
5439 次点击
所在节点    TensorFlow
3 条回复
2016-10-06 02:42:44 +08:00
真的作 换 unix 不就好了
2016-10-06 02:49:51 +08:00
@20015jjw 支持 win 是好事啊
2016-10-06 09:29:49 +08:00
@20015jjw 如果不是开发而是产品要用 TensorFlow ,你怎么看?

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