汇丰银行招聘 Java Developer (CS)啦!

2016-10-14 09:34:45 +08:00
Bobo51  Bobo51
Position : Java Developer (CS)
Team name : Fixed Income IT

Introduction :
HSBC Technology and Services – Global Banking and Markets (GB&M) provides world-class systems and solutions for the global market business. Fixed Income normally refers to investment where the issuer has the obligation to make payment on fixed amount or fixed period. Fixed Income IT team works with global partners on providing IT software solution for GBM Fixed Income customers, which includes Retail eCommerce project (for Structure Products and Retail Bond Trading), Martini project, Regulatory XSLT project, etc.
This open job opportunity is especially for Retail eCommerce team.

Job Duties :
• Develop sophisticated technical solution to fulfill business requirements and to comply with the established standards in HSBC
• Manage and participate in the entire development lifecycle, including requirement analysis , system design, development, quality assurance, testing and deployment
• Contribute to the project success in terms of schedule, budget and deliverable quality
• Cultivate effective working relationships with business users and other IT teams

Candidate Specifications :
• A university graduate.
• At least eight years ’ IT experience, with a minimum of three year in providing IT services for investment banking business.
• Solid experience in working within a full project lifecycles, from initiation through to implementation
• Solid technical knowledge on most of the following:
• Java Web Development
• Spring framework
• Test Driven Development
• SOAP Web Service
• JQuery
• SQL/Hibernate
• MQ
• Good knowledge about HTML5, Javascript, CSS
• Good knowledge in Wealth Management products (e.g. Bonds, Equity Linked Investment, Structured Notes / Deposit) is definitely an advantage.
• Highly organized and work under pressure, able to operate in a multi-functional and matrix environment
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills
• Effective time management and prioritization skills
• Good command of English, with strong communication and interpersonal skills to deal with various local and overseas parties
• Willing to engage with other IT teams and negotiate for resources and schedules

简历请发送至: bobo.liao@51job.com
3994 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
6 条回复
2016-10-14 09:55:48 +08:00
Only Java?
2016-10-14 10:04:26 +08:00
2016-10-14 10:13:00 +08:00
肯定是广州, GLTc 很坑的...
2016-10-14 13:18:16 +08:00
@mikuazusa 怎么坑?愿闻其详
2016-10-14 21:45:55 +08:00
2016-10-16 21:57:22 +08:00

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