Shame on Y Combinator

2016-10-19 09:47:27 +08:00

16 个小时前的帖子, 1189 分, 1224 个评论,居然在首页找不到。。。。出什么事了。。。
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3 条回复
2016-10-19 10:05:52 +08:00
你不搞政治,政治就搞你。美帝药丸 XD
2016-10-19 10:11:34 +08:00
白左也删 Reddit 关于川普的讨论,没区别
2016-11-19 08:52:57 +08:00
sctb: "We've turned off user flags again for this story because the rule of HN moderation is to moderate threads less when they're critical of YC or YC-funded startups. Please be respectful of your fellow community members in the discussion — such divisive issues are threatening and our first duty is to protect the community."

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