有没有开发过 Android Studio 插件的?问一下插件发布到仓库,需要注册 jetbrains 账号还收费怎么破?

2016-10-19 19:12:24 +08:00

RT.提示 No Available Licenses 说明是 We found no JetBrains product licenses associated with your JetBrains Account. You can:

Purchase product license(s) at https://www.jetbrains.com
Link your past purchases to your account
Contact the person who manages commercial licenses in your company and request an invitation to use them.

Your JetBrains Account is a single interaction point for activating JetBrains products and accessing the following services:

JetBrains Account website (you are here)
Products Support
Product Blogs
Plugin Repository for .NET products (e.g. Resharper)
Plugin Repository for other IDEs (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm and so on)

收费一个月 49 刀。难道发一个 plugin 到仓库还收费。。

10539 次点击
所在节点    Android
2 条回复
2016-10-20 09:50:23 +08:00
我没有 plugin 你把你的 plugin 的 zip 发给我试下,我上传直接报
![]( )
2016-10-22 22:06:48 +08:00

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