[北京] [外企] 大数据外企创业公司北京研发中心招聘 Web Software Engineer 薪资福利业内 TOP

2016-10-26 16:52:10 +08:00
Pegasus is a UAE-based software technology and professional services company with a global presence.We have hand-picked our people from all over the world to create a highly divers team whose varied expriences and outlooks help fuel innovative approaches to solving cliebt problems.

We are looking for Web Software Engineer, who is passionate in combining the art of designand programming, to join our team to develop advanced Big Data Analytics applications. Thecandidate will work in an agile development environment.
• Collaborate with the UI/UX designers and product managers to research, design andimprove user experience • Implement features and user interfaces of big data analytic applications
• Design efficient and reusable front-end modules
• Drive improvements in usability, performance and interactivity
• Contribute to project planning and execution, and collaborate with team members todeliver robust products through full product lifecycle from concept to releaseMinimum
• BS/MS in Computer Science, Software Engineering or a related field
• 3+ years of Java Script experience.
• 3+ years of HTML5/CSS experience.
• Strong verbal and written English communication skills
Preferred qualifications:
• Experience JavaScript Framework, such as Backbone, Angular, or Aurelia is a bonus
• Experience with development and configuration tools (Git, Jira, Jenkins, Maven, etc.)and Continuous Integration practices
• Experience writing unit tests and testable code
• Experience with Kibana is a bonus
1431 次点击
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1 条回复
2016-10-26 16:55:00 +08:00
感兴趣的朋友可以投递简历到 Steven.sun@iterget.com,精英团队和外企的优厚福利等着你,不加班,坐标望京南, PS :如果你很难看懂上面的 JD ,那么可能这个职位并不适合你,我会帮助你找到更合适的岗位。

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