情况: request.js 库请求接口, express.js 做 server ,实现了 curl http://localhost:8080/proxy-api 本地一个地址,在 router 里用 request.js 请求接口,统计了一下请求耗时,单个请求耗时很低,如下:
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 13 ms
然后分别使用 webbench 和 ab 做并发测试,并发 500 ,发现接口有非常大的耗时。
# 测试命令
ab -n 1000 -c 200 -r http://localhost:8080/proxy-api
webbench -t 10 -c 500 http://localhost:8080/proxy-api
# 截取部分响应耗时:
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2019 ms
cost time: 2020
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2062 ms
cost time: 2062
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2064 ms
cost time: 2065
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2063 ms
cost time: 2063
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2062 ms
cost time: 2063
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2063 ms
cost time: 2063
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2061 ms
cost time: 2062
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2063 ms
cost time: 2064
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 2063 ms
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1362 ms
cost time: 1362
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1361 ms
cost time: 1362
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1362 ms
cost time: 1362
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1362 ms
cost time: 1362
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1362 ms
cost time: 1362
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1363 ms
cost time: 1363
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1362 ms
cost time: 1362
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1006 ms
cost time: 1006
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 627 ms
cost time: 628
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 629 ms
cost time: 629
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 628 ms
cost time: 629
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1403 ms
cost time: 1403
get http://ip:9190/user/getUserInfo 1402 ms
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