define(function() {
function Window() {
Window.prototype = {
//window 事件
windowscreen: function(id) {
//window.onload = this.getHeight(options);
var that = this;
window.onresize = function(id) {
//执行 onresize 函数的时候浏览器报错
// index.js:32 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null
setInterval(this.getHeight(id), 1000);
getHeight: function(id) {
var oDiv = document.getElementById(id),
screenHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; = (parseInt(screenHeight / 2)) + 'px';
return {
Window: Window
这是另外一个 js 文件 main.js-- require.config({ paths:{ "jquery": "jquery.min" } })
require(['jquery','index'],function($,i) { var getHeight = new i.Window(); // getHeight.getHeight('header'); // getHeight.getHeight('main'); // getHeight.getHeight('bottom'); getHeight.getHeight('header'); getHeight.windowscreen('header'); })
第一次接触这种写法想学习学习...处处都是坑....- -。希望大牛能够指点下我这个小白....该怎么样修改才行啊...
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.