NME 机房的事情我比较清楚,请允许我占用您三分钟时间来解释这件事情:
1. 10-23 NME 报告 NyaVM 的 IP 遭到 DDoS 攻击
2. 10-23 晚 NME 报告 RS-1 对中国->PCCW 骨干网进行 Spoof 攻击
3. 10-24 PCCW 骨干断开一分钟, PCCW 不对 下发路由
4. 10-24 中午切换到 Cogent 骨干网
5. 10-24 中午 Cogent 骨干网断开
6. 10-24 NME 通知无法对 下发路由(上游不允许)
7. 11-10 经过多方谈判后, PCCW 依旧不肯给路由,只有 TATA 有( Singtel 都没有)我们经过讨论后,决定放弃掉 SG 机房
8. 11-11 发送第一封邮件给用户协商解决方案
9. 11-12 考虑可能有用户没看到 发送第二封邮件给用户协商解决方案
10. 11-13 发送第三封邮件给用户协商解决方案
11. 11-14 逐步取消没有回复我们的客户的服务器并且 Refund 到余额
Dear Customer,
You are receiving this email because you have an active/suspended Singapore KVM VPS.
We are sorry to inform you that our agreement with the Singapore Datacenter cannot be made. We need to migrate all your servers to other nodes.
We offer 3 choices of destination (all your data will be preserved):
1. Hong Kong, PRC - Looking glass:
Your bandwidth will be changed to 1 Gbps.
Your data transfer will resize from 1T to 200G (Special Server), and 10T to 500G (Normal Server).
2. Los Angeles, USA - Looking glass:
Your bandwidth will be changed to 1 Gbps.
Your data transfer will resize from 1T to 500G (Special Server), and 10T to 2T (Normal Server).
For normal server, you can choose whether to double your RAM size (for free). But when you doule your RAM size, the renewal price will be higher as well*.
3. San Jose, USA - Looking glass:
Your data transfer will resize from 1T to 500G (Special Server), and 10T to 2T (Normal Server).
For normal server, you can choose whether to double your RAM size (for free). But when you doule your RAM size, the renewal price will be higher as well*.
* Renewal price will be changed according to the price of the packages of the destination DC. The coupon code you used to order our SG server will still be applicable.
** Billing period of your server will be extended by 1 Month and 15 Days after migration.
*** If you want to migrate to RBX or BHS, please contact us and we will discuss the final configuration of your server.
If you don't want to migrate your server, we can offer a pro-rated refund to your NyaVM account and you can use the credit for our other packages. Please take note, there will be no refund after you choose to move your server to our other node. If you choose not to migrate your server but to request for a refund, all your data will be destroyed.
We are really sorry about this incident.
Please take note, if you want to preserve your data and migrate to other nodes, please submit a support ticket BEFORE 13/11/2015 20 : 00 SGT (UTC+8) or all your server will be terminated and refunded.
这是 NyaVM 邮件的全文
由于您长时间无法取得联系,因此 NyaVM 取消了服务器,但是内容是有备份的,可以再次下载下来,请允许我找一下 NyaVM 的负责人。