Stripe 停止支持支付宝

2016-11-17 06:50:46 +08:00

This is David from Stripe. I'm reaching out with an urgent notice regarding Alipay processing on your Stripe account.

Effective Friday, November 18 at 23:59 PT (07:59 UTC) we will be ending your account's usage of Alipay as a payment method on Stripe because our partner, Alipay, has suddenly changed its acceptable business categories on their network.

What action do I need to take?

Before Friday, November 18 at 23:59 pm PT, we recommend disabling Alipay in Checkout by setting "data-alipay" in your Checkout code to "false".

If you do not take this action, effective Friday, November 18 at 23:59 pm PT, your customers will begin to see the following error message if they choose Alipay as a payment option in Checkout:

"Alipay is currently unavailable. Please select another payment method"

If you have any questions on how to disable Alipay in Checkout, or how to communicate this change with your customers, please let us know and we'd be glad to walk you through the process and answer any questions.

To be clear, this change will have no effect on your ability to charge customers through other payment methods on Stripe, such as credit cards.

Lastly, on behalf of Stripe, we are extremely sorry for this sudden change. This is the last thing we want to have to tell our users that have been impacted by Alipay's change in acceptable merchant categories. We recognize that Alipay has been a key component of your processing, and we're happy to help you incorporate other payment methods on your account in light of this change.

If there is anything I can clarify further here, or any questions I can answer, please don't hesitate to let me know.


David Meadows
Stripe User Operations
15237 次点击
所在节点    Stripe
25 条回复
2016-11-17 17:03:28 +08:00
我第一个想到的也是 13L 的问题??
有其他也遇到这种问题的 V 友?希望只是个例
2016-11-17 18:10:08 +08:00
@nvidiaAMD980X 政策法规限制而已,阁下至于嘛!还什么活该,人家活得好好的。。。
2016-11-17 20:10:10 +08:00
搬瓦工和 namesilo 都是用的这个吧,以后没法续费了
2016-11-17 21:14:05 +08:00
擦 前一阵刚给搬瓦工续费
2016-11-18 09:07:56 +08:00
@onionnews ns 不是

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