Seven Principles of Meteor

2012-04-13 04:10:18 +08:00

• Data on the Wire. Don't send HTML over the network. Send data and let the client decide how to render it.

• One Language. Write both the client and the server parts of your interface in JavaScript.

• Database Everywhere. Use the same transparent API to access your database from the client or the server.

• Latency Compensation. On the client, use prefetching and model simulation to make it look like you have a zero-latency connection to the database.

• Full Stack Reactivity. Make realtime the default. All layers, from database to template, should make an event-driven interface available.

• Embrace the Ecosystem. Meteor is open source and integrates, rather than replaces, existing open source tools and frameworks.

• Simplicity Equals Productivity. The best way to make something seem simple is to have it actually be simple. Accomplish this through clean, classically beautiful APIs.
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所在节点    Meteor
3 条回复
2012-04-13 06:06:29 +08:00
BTW,very good morning;)
2012-04-13 06:45:19 +08:00
Database Everywhere. Use the same transparent API to access your database from the client or the server.
对这一条有异议...数据库永远都不应该直接暴露给用户,就算小范围使用也需要把接口都封装好。这些人不是没有来得及做authentication,而是一开始就没有重视这个。这种东西永远都不可能production ready

用这个写网站岂不是整个网站的代码都要开源了额?django, node, ror都是mit/bsd一类的license
2012-04-13 10:36:12 +08:00
设计哲学的确突破了之前 Rails/Django 等上一代框架达到的境界,值得期待。而且,再革新性的创造刚出来也都不可能尽善尽美的,还是待尘埃稍微落定再来评价得失为好。

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