1, 色感良好*,构思逻辑性强,布局层次分明。 good usability intuition of Color / Mockup / Layout organized with Logitic thinking.
2,经历过2年的网站页面设计的具体实践工作。 over 2 years working experience at web design field.
3,懂得商业设计与艺术设计之间的取舍。 familiar with the balance between Art Design and Comerical Design.
4,具有良好的对工作时间的掌握能力,执行力强。 working schedule executive and strong Design Implement capability.
5,对设计职业准则非常明晰,具有一定的职业风范 * clarity of the principle of design career, and have a better professional style.
6,懂得并理解公司风格和节拍,能压住自己的个性,尊从并能牢牢把握住策划意图的前提下,展示自己的设计能力者,优先考虑。 balance with personal style under company’s style and fully implemented the idea of company’s plan. Will be better.
7,谦虚好学,快速的沟通能力,善于团队合作。 Modest and better communication ability, good at cooperating with teamwork.
以下几类朋友让步 Exception list:
1,仅是从事原画设计和插画设计的专业人员 Only engaged with Prototype/Painting/Illustrator
2,从事的平面设计但与网页制作无关工作经历者 has design experiences, but without any relationship with web design.
技术细节要求 Technical Requirement
1,对PS,AI等矢量与非矢量工具掌握熟练(2年的具体经历)。 Master of the skill of Photoshop / Illustrator Software with 2 years experiences.
2,具有一定的HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT的认识。 Have the knowledge of HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT will be better.