
2016-12-06 16:46:55 +08:00
路由器 Netgear wndr4300 刷 OpenWRT BB , openwrt-ss+luci-app-ss 最新版,山东联通 pppoe 拨号获取公网 ip , vps 自建 ss python 服务,最近发现外网无法连接到路由器。查看了 ss 服务端日志,发现路由器获取的 ip 地址( 119.*.*.223:23)不停通过 ss 连接 23 端口(也有 1184 、 1433 等端口), ss 服务端部分日志如下:
2016-12-06 14:15:27 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37578
2016-12-06 14:15:28 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37579
2016-12-06 14:15:28 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37580
2016-12-06 14:15:29 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37581
2016-12-06 14:15:29 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37582
2016-12-06 14:15:30 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37583
2016-12-06 14:15:30 INFO connecting 119.*.*.223:23 from 119.*.*.223:37584
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1 条回复
2016-12-24 16:09:31 +08:00
安装 SS 的 openwrt 路由器作为二级路由,终于消停了

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