无法通过 Python 会跳函数给 C 程序传入参数赋值

2016-12-06 18:36:54 +08:00
ChemicalBlue  ChemicalBlue

无法通过 Python 回调函数给 C 程序参数赋值,请帮忙看下 谢谢

Python 给 C 程序提供了一个回调函数,以返回 IMSI

global cbGetIMSI

CB_GET_IMSI  = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p)

cbGetIMSI   = CB_GET_IMSI(py_getIMSI)

def py_getIMSI(imsi):

global tc

tc  = import(mod)

imsi = tc.getIMSI()

print '####### imsi = ' + imsi

#通过 C 程序提供的借口注册回调函数

lib_inf = cdll.LoadLibrary(self.libinf.get())


#C 程序注册回调

typedef void (*inf_PyCbGetImsi)(char *);

int inf_regCbGetImsi(inf_PyCbGetImsi cbFn)


DBG("enter [%s()]", FUNCTION);

if (!cbFn)


return -1;


g_pyCB.getImsi = cbFn;

return 0;


#C 程序调用 Py 回调

unsigned char aIMSI[15];

memset(aIMSI, 0, sizeof(aIMSI));

if (g_pyCB.getImsi)




DBG("[%s()] aIMSI = [%s]", FUNCTION, aIMSI);


####### imsi = 001010123456789

[gnss_lcsGetIMSI()] aIMSI = []

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所在节点   Python  Python
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