linode 日本区开新数据中心了。

2016-12-14 15:13:19 +08:00

New Linode Datacenter: Tokyo 2 We are proud to announce the opening of our ninth datacenter: Tokyo 2. There has been high demand for additional Linode capacity in this region and we ’ re excited to open up availability. Tokyo 2 offers all of the features and services as our other datacenters, at standard Linode pricing. Connectivity into Tokyo 2 features a fine blend of peering and transit providers (with more to come) to ensure the highest possible bandwidth and lowest latencies.

Customers with Linodes in other datacenters (including Tokyo 1) wishing to move Linodes into Tokyo 2 can clone them to the new facility. The cloning method is recommended since you ’ ll be able to stage your services on their new IP addresses before changing your DNS records. Alternatively, you can open a support ticket and we can configure a migration for you. For new Linodes, simply choose “ Tokyo 2 ” as the location when creating a Linode.

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