今天遇到了一个很让人费解的问题。问题的起因是没有把多进程程序写在 __main__下面( windows 系统下) 然后就尴尬了。
以前学习多进程是在 Linux 下,用的较多的是 fork ,今天遇到的问题,很有意思,所以就写下来。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'bigboydream'
import random
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
print('I am ', os.getpid())
rand_num = random.randint(0, 20)
def foo():
print('I am {}, rand_num is {}'.format(os.getpid(), rand_num)) # 子进程的 rand_num
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('I am {}, rand_num is {}'.format(os.getpid(), rand_num)) # 父进程的 rand_num
p = Process(target=foo)
I am 16880
I am 16880, rand_num is 10
I am 7592 # 执行了两次 print('I am ', os.getpid())...
I am 7592, rand_num is 2 # 父进程和子进程的 rand_num 居然不一样...
用 fork 的思维想了一下 第一: print('I am ', os.getpid()),应该只能执行一次啊 第二: rand_num 应该一样啊
但是出现了不一样的结果,难道 p.start()的时候,
import random
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
print('I am ', os.getpid())
rand_num = random.randint(0, 20)
一样的代码在 Linux 下运行
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'bigboydream'
import random
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
print('I am ', os.getpid())
rand_num = random.randint(0, 20)
def foo():
print('I am {}, rand_num is {}'.format(os.getpid(), rand_num)) # 子进程的 rand_num
print('I am {}, rand_num is {}'.format(os.getpid(), rand_num)) # 父进程的 rand_num
p = Process(target=foo)
I am 3811
I am 3811, rand_num is 17
I am 3841, rand_num is 17
用 fork 呢?
# coding : utf-8
import os
import random
print('I am ', os.getpid())
rand_num = random.randint(0, 20)
ret = os.fork()
if ret==0:
print('child pid is {}, rand_num is {}'.format(os.getpid(), rand_num))
print('parent pid is {}, rand_num is {}'.format(os.getpid(), rand_num))
I am 4054
parent pid is 4054, rand_num is 12
child pid is 4084, rand_num is 12
但是有一个问题就是 multiprocessing 在 Linux 系统上和 windows 系统下表现不一致, Linux 系统下 Python 用 fork 实现了多进程?
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