普林斯顿Mung Chiang的一次对网络方面课程改革的一次尝试。network20q这个课程非常有趣,通过20个日常生活问题来讲述网络的相关知识。推荐给所有对互联网感兴趣并且会线性代数和多变量微积分的同学:)
1. What makes CDMA work for my cell phone?
2. How does Google sell its ad spaces?
3. How does Google rank webpages?
4. How does Netflix recommend movies?
5. When can I trust product reviews on Amazon?
6. Why does Wikipedia even work?
7. How to viralize a Youtube video and tip a Groupon deal?
8. Twitter and Facebook: How to influence people online?
9. Can I really reach anyone in 6 steps?
10. Does the Internet have an Achilles heel?
11. Why do AT&T and Verizon Wireless charge me $10 a Gigabyte?
12. How can I pay less for my Internet connection?
13. How does a packet get through the Internet?
14. Why doesn’t the Internet collapse under congestion?
15. How can Skype and BitTorrent be free?
16. What’s inside the cloud of iCloud?
17. Netflix, iTune, IPTV: Which way to watch video?
18. Why is iPad's WiFi faster at home than at a hotspot?
19. Why am I only getting a few % of advertised 3/4G speed?
20. Is it really fair that my neighbor’s iPhone downloads faster?
相信没有人能够完全回答出来吧?这里面涉及到了n多EE CS的基础知识,加上大量的数学定理。全都学下来收获很大的。
http://www.princeton.edu/~chiangm/20Q.pdfMung Chiang是个大牛。
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