Dribbble 创始人 Rich Thornett 在 Net Magazine 的采访里的回答是:
"I’d love to take credit for the name Dribbble, but that was co-creator Dan Cederholm’s idea. He was drawn to its denotation of a slow leak, which evokes Dribbble’s theme of leaking your work (as screenshots)."
他说想法是联合创始人 Dan Cederholm 想出来的。Dribble 的意思慢慢的滴水 (leak),leak同时也是外泄的意思,就是自己的作品一点点的外泄。
“I’m an ardent fan of puns and basketball, so the double entendre has been a treasure trove of metaphors. I think the basketball analogy helps convey the fun, game-y vibe we wanted.”