强行热议 ( ゚∀。)
刚才刷 feed 时看到这样一条讨论串 Ask Slashdot: What Is the Best Way To Thank Users For Reporting Security Issues? - Slashdot po 主的主要意思就是说他收到了用户发来的消息,报告了安全问题,他想知道到如何感谢这类提交 security issue 的用户。本来我以为底下会说 money, thanks email, bitcoin 之类的,结果竟然有不少人同意了以下观点:
This is a stupid answer.
Here's how you should actually handle people who report security issues:
If you're an IT director and it's a company employee who reported it, you need to inform the upper management that you have a possible hacker in the company, and get his ass fired.
If you work in a company and someone in the general public reported it, you need to notify your legal department so they can file a lawsuit against the person for defamation.
If you're in government and this was reported by someone in the general public of your country, you need to notify law enforcement so they'll be arrested for hacking and thrown in prison.
Only hackers would care about "security issues", and if that information becomes public, it will just help other hackers, so any such people need to be dealt with, extremely harshly. If you disagree, then you obviously are not in a position of power in the US.
虽然让我感到很不爽,但确实是一些公司的做法,简单的说就是甩锅,毕竟因为承认了纯在安全漏洞就等于给了用户发起诉讼的理由。但作为一个运维,有人愿意给我发邮件告诉我伺服器存在漏洞,告诉我问题的 CVE 编号、复现方式、修复方法,我会给他发一封感谢邮件。(虽然类似于有人把我家锁撬了然后告诉我我家的锁不安全)
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