后来 Apple 审核的时候拒了,说发现隐藏功能,让我们移除,再三确认(~~其实啥都没改~~)新版本 Apple 不会看到隐藏功能之后,再提交,然后就收到了邮件
The status for the following app has changed to Pending Contract.
上 iTunesConnect 发现My App
这一项已经不见了,后来发现 App 被下架
上 developer.apple.com 出现一个填表单的页面
Need assistance with accessing your developer account?
If you're having issues accessing your developer account, complete the form below to contact Apple Developer Program Support, or call us if you'd prefer to speak with a developer support agent. If you need assistance with recovering your Apple ID name and password, visit My Apple ID. To sign in with a different Apple ID, sign out.
填了表单 Apple 只回了一个确认邮件说一天内会有回复,然后就再也没有收到邮件了
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