听云的 PHP 探针无法上报数据

2017-01-15 12:50:14 +08:00
wangxiyu191  wangxiyu191

不知道是不是 ucloud 挂掉的锅,从昨晚 7 点开始,听云控制台里就看不到任何新的数据了。

然后 deamon.log 报错:

2017-01-14 22:25:04.541 (pid:22197,uid:0) INFO wechat:Agent.RequestConfig: /getRedirectHost

2017-01-14 22:25:05.043 (pid:22197,uid:0) INFO Entry /getRedirectHost: answer 200,

2017-01-14 22:25:05.094 (pid:22197,uid:0) INFO MEM: 8988/364880, fds:11

2017-01-14 22:25:05.094 (pid:22197,uid:0) INFO aaaaaa:Login POST size:3826

2017-01-14 22:25:05.578 (pid:22197,uid:0) INFO aaaaaa:Response 78 from /initAgentApp

2017-01-14 22:25:05.578 (pid:22197,uid:0) ERROR Agent.ServerConfig: app aaaaaa login failed HTTP(200) {"status":"error","result":{"errorCode":-1,"errorMessage":"illegal argument"}}


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2017-01-15 12:50:43 +08:00

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