根据你的 Facebook 动态,(近似)复刻 Black Mirror S03E01 Nosedive 中的评分

2017-01-24 14:12:33 +08:00


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一些我觉得有趣的评论,看来即便是看了 Nosedive 之后也还是会在意这种评分啊:

It started at 2.5-something, and I was like "WTF?!" Then it crawled up to 4.141, and I got 0.825 bonus points from my PRIME friends. I hate that my first thought was, "How do I get more PRIME friends??"

I was so stressed out during that whole episode. But I was still surprised when I felt stressed watching the numbers climb up! Ended up with a 4.533. Good thing I have a cute kid, I guess.

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2017-01-26 19:29:12 +08:00
1.0 路过……

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