上个月新注册的, 32 位高强度随机密码, keepass 保存,万无一失有木有!!!
今天开着 55 访问了一下,直接提示:
Change password
Access to your account has been temporarily restricted as Yandex suspects it may have been hacked. This may have happened because you have entered your password on a fraudulent website or because your computer is infected with a virus.
First, check your computer for viruses (here's how). Then, answer a security question, create a new password, and request a confirmation code sent via SMS for free. Your account will be unblocked after changing your password.
Also, please check your registration information (in the personal information and email addresses sections) as hackers may have successfully changed it.
这个邮件账号很重要,我用它建了域名邮件,用于我的 Apple 开发者账户。只能说自己还是 too young ……
就在刚才, Yandex 答复了,要先让我拿身份证或其他有效证件拍照发过去,他们才能“考虑”是否可以批准我的申请。
算了,我花点功夫搬迁到 Zoho 好了,以后再也不能把密码验证视同儿戏了,同时也算是给大伙儿提个醒。
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