Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. It provides a decentralized virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This virtual machine can execute Turing-complete scripts using an international network of public nodes and a token called ether. Gas is used to prevent spam on the network and allocate resources proportionally to the incentive offered by the request. Ethereum was initially proposed in late 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, a cryptocurrency researcher and programmer. Development was funded by an online crowdsale during July – August 2014.
The Ethereum Foundation ’ s mission is to promote and support research, development and education to bring decentralized protocols and tools to the world that empower developers to produce next generation decentralized applications (dapps), and together build a more globally accessible, more free and more trustworthy Internet.
The Python team will work directly with Vitalik Buterin, focus mostly on Python version's Ethereum protocol implementation and relevant research. While Vitalik spent most of his time in Pacific-Asia time zones, developers located in the great China area are highly preferred. While the senior position requires solid background in Python development and p2p networking, the junior position is open for part-time coders and students. Please email resume/CV to for further information.
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