分享一个小程序组件『图表 charts 组件』

2017-03-01 15:04:15 +08:00
zxxyolanda  zxxyolanda


微信小程序图表 charts 组件


data: {
charts: {
                    area: ["上海,750","杭州,425","苏州,960","南京,700","广州,800","厦门,975","北京,375","沈阳,775","泉州,100","哈尔滨,200"],
                    pieData: [10, 25, 35, 30]
        new Charts({
            type: "pie",
            data: this.data.charts.pieData,
            colors: ["#7158ec", "#fec312", "#1db2f4", "#ff3444"],
            canvasId: 'canvas1',
            point: {
                x: 150,
                y: 150
            radius : 100
        new Charts({
            type: "ring",
            data: [10, 25, 35, 30],
            colors: ["#7158ec", "#fec312", "#1db2f4", "#ff3444"],
            canvasId: 'canvas2',
            point: {
                x: 150,
                y: 150
            radius : 100
        new Charts({
            type: 'bar',
            data: this.data.charts.area,
            bgColors: "#46a2ef",
            color: '#383838',
            cHeight: 300,//表格高度
            cWidth: 500,//表格宽度
            bWidth: 22,//柱子宽度
            bMargin: 16,//柱子间距
            showYAxis: false,//是否显示 Y 轴
            xCaption: 'x 轴说明文字',
            yCaption: 'y 轴说明文字',
            canvasId: 'chartContainer'


type: -支持 pie,ring,bar
    data: []
    colors : []颜色
    canvasId: canvas-id
    point:x 轴圆心坐标,y 轴圆心坐标
    radius :半径大小
    xCaption: 水平坐标说明文字
    yCaption : 纵坐标说明文字
    showYAxis :是否显示 y 轴



下载地址:图标 charts 组件下载

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