[上海]硅谷顶尖 VR 公司-Developer/Tech Leader- 30 万- 100 万

2017-03-12 20:06:01 +08:00
recruiterit  recruiterit
[上海]硅谷顶尖 VR 公司-Developer/Tech Leader - 30 万- 100 万

Send CV to Email: recruitqw12@163.com or WeChat: janelj78

Company background: U.S Silicon Valley company (a lot of cooperation with google, YouTube and Disney) just entered China. China company is funded by CMC and SMG. Company business is VR content and technology. Work with Xiaomi and SMG in China. 在中国有业务。

Salary: Level and salary range are open, from 300K (engineer) to 1 million (tech lead).

Location: 南京西路地铁口附近

Current status: Current total 10 people in China, 130 people in US. Will hire about 15 people in SH in 2017

good Education background, from top university
good coding skills, can be C++, java, C# or C
speaks good English
experience in Unity 3D, or Mobile platform is a plus.
Prefer but not limited to candidate backgrounds in Video or Gaming companies.

Interview process: junior-mid level, first online coding test, then face to face interview. Senior level: face to face interview with line manager and then video or phone with global team
2286 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
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