[实习贴] App Annie 北京研发中心招聘数据运营实习生(尽快到岗,可实习 6 个月最佳)

2017-03-14 17:26:29 +08:00
appanniebj  appanniebj
App Annie 提供可靠的应用数据与分析,帮助企业在全球应用经济中取得成功。超过 50 万人士已成为 App Annie 的注册用户。公司总部位于美国旧金山,拥有 425 名员工,在全球设有 15 个办公室。截至目前, App Annie 已筹集到了来自 e.Ventures 、 Greenspring Associates 、 Greycroft Partners 、 IDG Capital Partners 、 Institutional Venture Partners 和红杉资本等投资者的 1.57 亿美元融资。详情请访问 www.appannie.com/cn

Data Operation Intern 数据运营实习生

The Role
We ’ re looking for Data Operation Intern, who willing to work on data analysis, troubleshooting and data quality verification. You will participate into the project that creates innovative software service for worldwide end users. The Data Operation Engineer will work in collaboration with Product Manager, Software Engineers and other members of the technical staff, to perform mobile application data analysis, consolidation, pattern recognition and reporting. You should demonstrate flexibility and perseverance to ensure the team and the company succeeds, in a fast paced startup environment.

You should be an engineer with the following experiences:
Knowledge of database SQL language is highly desired
Knowledge of Python, Shell Script, HTML and JavaScript is preferable
Experience in Linux working environment
Knowledge of network protocols, including TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS, etc is preferable
Good problem solving, analytical and troubleshooting skills
Be highly motivated to take on new challenges and learn new skills
BS in CS/EE or other equivalents
Good English level required

时间要求:每周至少实习 4 天,能连续实习 5-6 个月
实习津贴: 150-180/天

在这里...连实习生用的都是全套 Mac 设备,你能做的远比实习生多更多!欢迎详聊~


发送中英文简历至 twang@appannie.com, 简历名称:渠道-申请职位-姓名


网站: http://www.appannie.com
微博: http://e.weibo.com/appannie
博客: http://www.appannie.com/blog/
职位: http://www.appannie.com/appannie/jobs/
Ours: http://www.prnewswire.com/news/app+annie
1994 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
3 条回复
2017-03-14 17:41:36 +08:00
180*4*4 = 2880
2017-03-14 18:28:27 +08:00
2017-03-15 12:25:44 +08:00

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