打开 iTunes 时按 option 新建一个 library 然后导入你的音乐 然后全选 然后运行一下 Apple Script
tell application "iTunes"
set fx to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
copy (a reference to (get view of front window)) to thisPlaylist
if item 1 of selection exists then -- test if there is a selection...
set using_selection to true
copy (count selection's items) to idx
else -- its the whole playlist
set selectedTracks to (get a reference to thisPlaylist)
set using_selection to false
copy (count thisPlaylist's tracks) to idx
end if
-- later...
repeat with j from 1 to idx
if using_selection then
copy item j of selection to thisTrack
copy track j of selectedTracks to thisTrack
end if
delete artworks of thisTrack
end repeat
set fixed indexing to fx
end tell