chrome application launcher for drive (by Google) 灰色无法使用

2017-03-17 23:59:23 +08:00

最近把课件,文献啥的转移到 google drive 上去。有个 application launcher for drive 的插件在网页上右键点击文件,然后可以用本地的 app 打开。我已经装了 drive for mac ,还有插件。但是装上之后,总是灰色的。

不知道有什么好的解决方案没有哎? google 里面基本没有啥有效讨论(已经重装了插件,重装了 chrome ,还是不行),难道是个案?


3288 次点击
所在节点    Chrome
2 条回复
2017-03-18 12:36:51 +08:00

It works. A few things to note:

In the Google Drive settings, you probably want to turn off "Convert uploads" otherwise Drive wants to turn everything it can into a Google document type.

Secondly, it only works for folders you have synced to your desktop.

Finally, on Windows make sure "Always use this app to open xxx" is selected for a given file type. If you add or change file associations in Windows, you should restart Chrome. Use the Exit menu, don't just click the X on the top right. You can also type chrome://restart in the url bar.
2017-03-19 03:09:26 +08:00
@HolosLee 感谢链接,试了一下,还是不行哎,不过我的 mac 最近是有点奇怪, mathtype 也装不上,可能是我的系统什么地方的设置问题。。

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