几年前, 一群 Googler 成立了Code Health
What we cared about was the processes and practices of software engineering in full — any aspect of how software was written that could influence the readability, maintainability, stability, or simplicity of code. We liked the analogy of having "healthy" code as covering all of these areas.
这个 Google-wide Code Health Group 维护 Google 的code review guidelines
, 编写内部文档, 组织讲座等等. 除了这个 Central 的小组之外, 很多产品 /团队也会他们自己的Code Health
4 月 5 日, DigitalOcean 的 control panel 及 API 宕机 4 小时 56 分钟. 事故起因: 测试程序不慎用了生产环境的 credentials.
The root cause of this incident was a engineer-driven configuration error. A process performing automated testing was misconfigured using production credentials.
事故发生后, DigitalOcean 花了 4 个小时恢复数据. 有网友评论I think someone's in trouble!
, DO 员工 Andrew Starr-Bochicchio 回复:
People will always make mistakes, it's in our nature. The main lesson here is about the system, not that an individual made an error.
相信多数人在自己的职业生涯中都会犯几次类似的错误, 不小心删除了备份, 清空了数据库? 没关系, 吸取教训, 继续前进, 做一个更好的 engineer :)
一篇关于 Python 的文章, 作者分享了很多务实的观点: Optimize your most expensive resource.
, It ’ s more important to get stuff done than to make it go fast.
IntelliJ 发布本月的Java Annotated Monthly, 涵盖 Java 生态圈里的新鲜事. 推荐 Java/Android 程序员阅读.
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