I love MySQL-Front. I love it to develop it. I love it to find out what the users needs and what not. I love it to detect, analyze and fix bugs. And I love it to support individual questions and wishes. Daily, MySQL-Front will be downloaded more than 500 times - so there are some guys, who loves my work and the result of it too. But to offer MySQL-Front, I need a internet connection - and currently, I don't have a internet connection at home. I have to ride my bike for 8 km to get an open internet connection to update MySQL-Front or to receive mails and bug reports. I had more and more trouble with my own internet connection. The "service people" became more and more ignorant and rudely. So I dropped that connection. Now, I would like to have a new ISP, but I have to accept more and more pressurings, controls and the technical solutions doesn't work well for me. Additional, I should pay my money for that. Why? Why should I do this? What could be a motivation for me, to pay my money to offer work to other people? Why should I accept bad contracts to support other people? Why should I do my work, if I don't have the tools to do this job well? I don't ask for money for MySQL-Front, since I don't like the egoism games of money, contracts and rules. I simple offer what I can do and I share what I have. If other people would support my kind of living I would have an internet connection and other things, I need to publish this software. But I don't have it. So, why should I offer MySQL-Front further more? Why... ?
PS Please don't offer money to me. I don't like the games of money, contracts and rules - and I don't accept them as a base for our live.
链接: http://www.mysqlfront.de/why.html
github : https://github.com/NilsHoyer/MySQL-Front/issues/28
莫名感觉有点心酸,作者到底是何许人也,问什么要骑自行车 8 公里才能上网?莫非作者过得很拮据?
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