[Beijing / Shanghai / Guangzhou] PingCAP is recruiting distributed system engineer

2017-04-13 18:39:28 +08:00
c4pt0r  c4pt0r

PingCAP is an infrastructure company founded by the authors and core contributors behind TiDB / TiKV. Inspired by Google F1 and Spanner, PingCAP builds TiDB, an open source NewSQL database featuring in horizontal scalability, high availability, and strongly consistent distributed transactions. TiDB is now among the world-leading open source database projects in the NewSQL field.

If you are a distributed system geek and are passionate about open source, you are exactly who we're looking for. (>30k RMB/m for FTE)


E-mail: huang@pingcap.com

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1 条回复
2017-04-14 13:16:09 +08:00

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