问题 1 :现在我需要使用 Python 脚本导入 100W 条 mysql 数据,如果要每一次插入 1W 条数据(即每1W条数据提交1次),共插入 100 次,在批量操作中不开启事务, python 脚本应该如何来写?
问题 2 :对于下面的语句,想问一下 conn.commit()是不是把上面的 sql 语句做为事务来提交?
#coding=utf-8 import MySQLdb
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost',port = 3306,user='admin',passwd='admin',db='google') cur = conn.cursor() try: create_tb_cmd=''' create table if not exists tmp.Video_2017bak (id int(10) unsigned, asset_id int(10) unsigned, company_id int(10), ); ''' cur.execute(create_tb_cmd) finally: insert_tb_cmd=''' insert ignore into tmp.Video_2017bak (select * from google.Video where created_at < date_sub(now(), interval 2 year));''' delete_tb_cmd=''' delete from google.Video where created_at < date_sub(now(), interval 2 year);''' cur.execute(insert_tb_cmd) cur.execute(delete_tb_cmd)
cur.close() conn.commit() conn.close()
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