北京/上海/苏州 微软虚席以待:技术大拿看过来,不限语言

2017-04-25 17:15:12 +08:00

点击这里去看微软做些什么: https://news.microsoft.com/stories/index.html

Hiring for ASG / C+E /MSRA / Microsoft Herware center Email : a-dagao@microsoft.com

ASG focuses on four major technology areas: Office365 , Sharepoint ,Bing Search Engine, Online Ads, Social/Mobile, and Speech & Natural Language Processing. For Bing Search Engine, our teams in ASG work on almost every aspect of search technology including Index & Relevance, Cloud Computing Infrastructure, Data Mining, Client applications etc. The Online Ads teams work on the full stack of online advertisement technology (Search and Contextual Ads). The Social team focuses on social/Mobile platform. With Speech & Natural Language Processing, the ASG teams make important contributions to mobile search, and the next generation of Microsoft ’ s speech and natural language platform.

C+E :Cloud and Enterprise Product including Azure,Visual Studio,SQL and so on departments. Be part of global Azure group, we leverage the excellent engineer system and process. To accelerate the market and sales of Azure Cloud platform, the team takes the unique challenge to build the localized service in Azure for China market and fill the gap that is exposed by the difference and uniqueness of China cloud market and landscape.

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3 条回复
2017-04-25 21:37:42 +08:00
MSRA 和 Herware 呢?怎么不粘贴完?
2018-03-02 12:55:57 +08:00
做 windows driver,微软苏州这里有可选择的岗位?
2018-05-15 18:32:31 +08:00
@w790759180 有的,可以发简历给我 daisy.gao @ microsoft.com

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